Finish it, decide whether you'd like to play it again and make diferent choices since there are over 36 different outcomes for various characters in the game and three different endings. Just accept that the game has tons of flaws, in game design, writing and coding and go with the flow. But mind you that this option will make you overleveled even faster than not using it since you will be gaining xp right and left. The only recourse is to use mods that will award the optimal amount of xp for each quest and contract regardless of your level. There is no way to avoid this no matter how well you plan out your gameplay path. You will find yourself overleveled and overpowered by mid- to late-game. So there is no optimal quest order that can be suggested to you. Not to mention Monster Nests and Dens which may contain needed crafting and alchemical ingredients needed to make potions, oils, bombs and gear. As you move through an area, you'll encounter random events and secondary quests that while they can be ignored since they are optional, many will offer some worthy diversions, even some that are critical path quests, meaning they are required to progress the story.Īnd those undiscovered areas too are worth mentioning since many contain Places of Power, Person(s) in Distress that should be rescued since some of them once freed can sell Gwent cards or be played for random cards. So it's easy to recommend trying to stay as close to those recommended levels but the reality is that it just won't work. Unfortunately when you are 5 or 6 levels above, you will only receive 2 xp for completing them. The most xp is rewarded by completing main story quests and contracts as close to the recommended levels as possible. There are a few honorable mentions and we'll leave them to the last so keep on reading and see if some of these hit close to home.The problem is the way the game was created. We're also going to provide some quick help on how to get these quest to speed up the process in getting them so if they haven't been found yet, it'll provide some easy access.

It's better to think of this list as some of the more popular and fun side quests in Witcher 3.

This list of six that we're compiling is not going to be in any particular order and we might miss a few. Related: Witcher 3: How to Respec Geralt & Change His Skills There are a few out there that are memorable, some are funny, and some evoke some powerful emotions that can get any gamer. With so many side-quests there are a lot of fan favorites out there and nuances that help to enhance the multiple storylines. The Witcher 3 has always been known to be a very story-driven game and the side-quests that litter the game enhances the story as no other game has before.